Food Preparation and Nutrition

The Food Preparation and Nutrition curriculum at Saint Augustine’s is an exciting and creative subject that provides students with a comprehensive foundation in both practical and theoretical aspects of food science, culinary arts, and health. This subject focuses on developing practical cooking skills to ensure students gain a thorough understanding of nutrition, food provenance, and the working characteristics of food materials. At its heart, Food Preparation and Nutrition nurtures students' practical cookery skills while fostering critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. 

Food preparation skills are integrated into five core topics: 

Food, Nutrition and Health 

Food Science 

Food Safety 

Food Choice 

Food Provenance. 

Through this subject, students learn to prepare a variety of dishes with an emphasis on safety, hygiene, and efficiency, and they explore global cuisines and cooking techniques, encouraging cultural appreciation. Ultimately, Food Preparation and Nutrition equips students with lifelong skills that promote healthy living, self-sufficiency, and a deeper understanding of the relationship between food and health. Upon completion of this subject, students will be well-qualified to pursue further study, apprenticeships, or full-time careers in the catering or food industries. 

Curriculum Overview - Food Preparation and Nutrition

NEW Learning Journey Food June 2024