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Careers Team

Our Careers Team

It is important you know what support is always available here and know the staff who can help with your destinations. To contact the careers team you can email any of the below contacts or call:

01527 550400


Mrs Beach - Careers Advisor:  sbeach@sta.magnificat.org.uk

I have worked as a Careers Adviser at St Augustine’s for 24 years in many different forms for Hereford and Worcester Careers service, The Connexions service and for the past nine years as a Freelance Independent Careers Adviser.

My main role is to ensure that all students are supporting at key transition points to move confidently on to their next steps with a particular focus on Yr11 and Yr13 delivering impartial careers information advice and guidance to enable them to make a well-informed decision about their post 16 and post 18 options.

I also support the careers team with their careers education programme to ensure all students have access to wide range of activities such as work experience, trips and events, outside speakers such as Employers, Apprenticeships Colleges and Universities.

I really enjoy working with the students and seeing how they progress through their school journey from Yr9 and into a positive post 16/18 destinations.

I have been very lucky to work with some brilliant colleagues in the school over the years and it’s great to work in a school that is very pro careers as it makes my job much easier !

Mrs Beach is our independent careers advisor and works Tuesday to Thursday. She is based in the office in the Amber Room and meets with students all day to create career support plans. She will meet with every sixth former including yourself over the course of this year but if you want to arrange a meeting sooner you can email Mrs Beach or speak to her in the Careers Office in the Amber Room.

Miss Klatt - MAC Careers Lead:  cklatt@magnificat.org.uk

Miss Klatt works with us every Thursday and Friday and offers careers advice/interviews. She works with Mrs Taman to oversee work experience. Miss Klatt organises our MAC careers and super curricular support which includes things such as outside visits to universities, employers, apprenticeship providers etc. Miss Klatt also supports preparation for those seeking for early entry applications for medicine, Oxbridge, dentistry, veterinary science. Miss Klatt is based in the Careers Office in the Amber Room.

Mrs Threadgold – Post 16 Assistant Head of Sixth Form for Aspiration and Excellence: lthreadgold@sta.magnificat.org.uk

Mrs Threadgold oversee’s the UCAS process, Cambridge Consortium, year 12 enrichment programme and co-ordinates support for post 16 destinations guidance working closely with Mrs Taman, Mrs Beach and Miss Klatt.

Ms Clarke - Assistant Principal :   lclarke@sta.magnificat.org.uk